I've always had a bit of a fascination with long exposures. Above is an image that is one of my favourites. One I'm quite proud of. I took it at Morfa Nefyn in North Wales. A minute exposure and some editing has gone into this. It was meant to be a sunrise but you can see from the sky that that wasn't working out for me. Taken about an hour after sunrise.

On the grid above from top left to bottom right.
Elephant Rock. Snowdonia. This is several images blended together. 2 separate long exposures for the lake and sky (just being picky, best sky was in one picture the best lake in another. The foreground is a shorter exposure.
Derwentwater. A 2 minute exposure.
Derwentwater monochrome. Another 2 minute exposure.
Sandwell Valley. Another image made up of a number of exposures. The landscape is a long exposure and I blended in a short exposure for the swan.
Derwentwater again. 5 separate 2 minute exposures stitched together to get a high res panoramic image.
Morfa Nefyn again.